Distinguished Fulbright chair in US Environmental History / American Studies

Fulbright chair in Denmark 2010-2011

Distinguished Fulbright chair in US Environmental History / AMERICAN STUDIES

Grant Activity: The grantee would be asked to teach one 4 hour course at the MA level each term, plus one BA level course in the fall term. In the spring term, two hours would be given over to advising of students and to play a central role in organizing a major academic conference. University of Southern Denmark (SDU) will defray the costs of that conference. At the undergraduate level, courses taught are within the fields of American history, literature, and politics, as well as American Studies. At the graduate level, the MA degree in American Studies has a mix of electives and required seminars. The teaching load is 6 hours per week each term. The format is a mix of seminars, lectures, discussions, presentations and oral reports. The average course size varies according to level: graduate courses usually have 15-25 students, and undergraduate level classes have a maximum of 35 students. Students purchase their own books, which may be supplemented by materials placed on the intranet program “Blackboard.”

Specialization(s): A scholar in Environmental History or American Studies focused on the environment.

Additional Qualifications: Ph.D. and at least 6 years of teaching experience required. Aadvanced associate professor or full professors preferred.

Location(s): Center for American Studies, University of Southern Denmark-Odense

Length of Grant: 10 months
Starting Date: September 1, 2010

Comments: The Center would like to involve the Fulbright Scholar primarily in the education of its c. 45 MA students. There are also possible research opportunities. The Center is currently involved in a number of interdisciplinary research projects and the Chair would be invited to participate in these projects as well as a number of conferences and seminars the Center organizes each year. The Dean has set aside funding for a conference whose theme and participants will be shaped in a dialogue between the grantee and the faculty. The Chair will have access to a wide range of electronic journals, the university library and the Royal Library. Therefore, it will be possible to continue working on major projects. The scholar will be given an e-mail address and will have access to the usual electronic resources. Office space is provided. Some secretarial assistance is available. The university library is fully computerized and books can be ordered from any computer. In addition, American journals are available in full text format through any computer within the university network. It is possible to use PowerPoint, DVD etc. Housing will be found for the scholar and decided upon after consultation with the scholar. The cost per month including utilities is approximately $1,000-$1,500.

Application Deadline: August 1, 2009

For more information, contact:

Professor David E. Nye
Center for American Studies
SDU – Odense
Odense 5230 M