SHOT question on Sunday sessions

The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), which meets in Pittsburgh this October for its 2009 annual meeting, is trying an experiment.  SHOT wants to devote some Sunday morning slots to sessions and activities organized by special interest groups (SIGs) such as Envirotech.

The SHOT program committee has reserved six rooms holding about fifty people each for this purpose.  SHOT has a total of twelve SIGs, so the 2009 program committee should have no problem filling the spaces.  The question is whether Envirotech wants to reserve a room during this slot.  If so, we need to let SHOT secretary Bernie Carlson know by Feb. 15.  At the ASEH meeting in Tallahassee, we can decide how to use the time.

What kind of session or activity? It could be a routine paper or roundtable session or something a little different, such as a poster session, teaching workshop, or even a book discussion.  It is up to us to decide.

Please reply in the comments section below if you have any interest in organizing something for that slot (or have thoughts on the matter).

All the best,
Hugh Gorman ( and Ann Greene, Envirotech co-chairs

p.s. If you have any additional items to get on the agenda for the Envirotech breakfast (Sat., Feb 28) at the 2009 ASEH conference in Tallahassee, let us know.